Carl Michael Bellmans music lives and is constantly rediscovered. Since many years, Bellmans songs has vibrated on Mats Lindbergs cello strings and on Leif Pedersens guitar and vocal cords. Mats, born in Stockholm but now living in Gothenburg, has a classical grounding and his father directs a choir that sings songs of C M Bellman. Leif, born and living on the Swedish West Coast near Gothenburg, has through the years devoted his time to the Swedish song tradition.

They both find it important to keep the tradition of Bellman alive. They want to get away from a high flown way of performing this fantastic music and lyrics, and find a relation more down-to-earth to the music.
Bellmans compositions form the linchpin that has brought The Swedish singer-songwriter tradition forwards, from the past until today. Leif and Mats has performed a lot live and noticed that the younger generation who has not been introduced to Bellmans music before, receive the lyrics and music with great curiosity and appetite. After a few years of performing on various stages, it is time to give the songs a chance on CD.
The two musicians have made the arrangements together. You can imagine that this was how Bellmans songs were played and heard on one of the 700 pubs in Gamla Stan in Stockholm in the 1800th century.
Leif “Pedda” Pedersen has studied classical guitar for two years at Helsjöns Folkhögskola, 1983-1985 and he also studied at Nordiska Folkhögskolan 1999-2000. For fifteen years he has freelanced as a singer and guitarist in various constellations and also accompanied various solo artists. He has plays traditional folk music from the Swedish West Coast as well as Irish folk music. He has performed at different music festivals in Sweden and Finland. Leif works as a teacher in guitar playing at Nordiska Folkhögskolan in Kungälv, Sweden.
Mats Lindberg is musically educated at Musikhögskolan in Gothenburg 1986-1990 and he has freelanced as a musician ever since. He has played at the opera house in Gothenburg, with symphony orchestras, theatre ensembles and has also worked as a studio musician. He has performed live with well-known artists in Sweden. He also plays saw.
